Be intentional about your ‘search’ for love
Have you ever set an intention for your love life?
If you haven’t, you’re missing one of the most potent practices to help you find the ideal person for you.
In the Calling in “The One” work I do with my clients, one of the first things we do is talk about you’re wanting in your love life. Then I’ll ask you to write it as a statement of intention.
Here’s a fabulous intention written by a former client… who manisfested this relationship after our work together:
“My intention is to cause an explosion of love in my life and to meet the most amazing man: my 'one', my soulmate. We will share love fully and freely, with extraordinary chemistry and spark, along with safe and secure love that bonds us deeply for life. We will live every day with passion, complete comfort, safety and security.”
Your intention is a statement of the type of relationship you are wanting or person you want as your partner. It becomes your guide and North Star when you are looking at potential partners. In using it to guide your choices and actions, it helps you to actively ‘cause’ the future you want to have.
If you don’t have a relationship intention (which some people might have as a list of qualities of their person), you run the risk of inadvertently repeating old patterns, for example, ending up with yet another unavailable person.
Once you’ve set your intention - for example, “It’s my intention to be in a phenomenal relationship with man of integrity who shares my passion for adventure by next year” – we highlight the choices, actions and ways of being that will keep you aligned with that intention. Sometimes it means letting go of certain things, other times it’s developing new skills or making different choices.
In essence, Calling in “the One” is helping you become the person you’d need to be to call in that type of partner and, importantly, maintain that relationship. Often it’s about letting go of old stories of not being good enough or old habits that cause you to feel overlooked or isolated. We work on all of that.
Do yourself a favourite and write you own intention statement now. Promise to hold yourself to it. Believe it. Be it. Speak it out loud: intentions that are shared and spoken - even with one supportive friend – are more powerful than one you keep to yourself. Importantly, ask yourself what you’d need to let go of and embrace to be living in a way that supports your goal/intention. Ask yourself, what’s your next to manifest that future?
And if you’re wanting support to do the inner work to clear the way for a healthy, new love, let’s talk. Book in for a free 20 minute what with me:
Appointments — Angela Barrett - Love & Life Coach (